08 Jul CO2 ETS for shipping sponsored by EU !
Excellent news reported last night with EU Parliament approving a CO2 target emission scheme for shipping.
Remarkable is the vote result : 62 voted in favour, 3 against and 3 were abstentions.
Ships over 5000GT would be included in the Emission Trading Scheme.
And in line with IMO targets, the Parliament intends to introduce compulsory measures for shipping efficiency, in particular the improvment of the shipping lines’ CO2 emissions per unit of transport work by at least 40% by 2030.
There are some steps still to go before implimentation, we are on good track !
There are already solutions existing to cope with such requirement. We are working on several projects of LNG fueled container vessels: properly designed and optmised to minimise the methane slip, the LNG plant is an available solution to cut the CO2 emissions, as well as Sox, Nox and ppm.
Hybridation of the propulsion with Sails is another excellent choice. Wind is free !
There are other solutions as well, contact us should you want to know more how we can help you to set your path to decarbonisation.