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Scrubbers and the Devil

Scrubbers and the Devil

As per Alphaliner’ study, summarized in below article, it is said that some Liner companies would be considering to speed up their services where scrubber fitted vessels are deployed.
Benefiting from low prices for low sulphur HFO would be the key for more profit and better tonnage utilization, but also for more CO2 emissions, dramatically.

That would be a shame , a real shame since :
– not only scrubbers are already increasing the HFO consumption by 1-2% due to the required power to run scrubber water pumps,
– open loop scrubber and hydrib one in open mode are releasing all residues and sulfur into seawater
– and eventually by increasing the vessels’speed by 2 knots for instance, from 18 to 20 kts, will increase the CO2 emissions by 25-30% !!!

Having in mind IMO 2050 goals for CO2 emissions, we do hope their environmental policies and efforts during the last years are not just words on websites and annual reports.

Investing in alternative energies such as LNG , assisted by sails for instance, is the only way to move forward, greener, until fully decarbonized solution are in place at a large scale.…/35169-paradoxe-quand-le-s…